Customer Stories

Live from the front lines, here are some projects we loved contributing to!

Design By Fish

read our [blog post] / check out her [website][instagram][facebook]

You firstly have to take the leap of faith. That takes a bit of guts to do. Sometimes you can hold yourself back and other times you can throw yourself into the deep end, which is kind of what I did....Sometimes you might lose a bit of confidence and then you might build it up again. So yeah, it is a ride. But it’s been a fun ride!

Celeste Fishburn, Design By Fish


Nodo Donuts

read our [blog post] / check out their [website][instagram][facebook]

We love our shirts. Customers can identify who the staff members are and they’re great to carry our brand outside the café. When we’re walking down the street, a lot of people will stop and say “oh, do you work at Nodo?” So, it’s great branding.

Kate Williams, Nodo Donuts


Ella Fence

check out her [website][soundcloud][youtube] • [instagram][facebook]

As the music industry changes, merch is becoming so much more important for an artist's revenue, so being able to sell your own merch is hugely beneficial to someone's career as a small business.

Ella Fence


Stories we've added to:

@theprintbar on the gram

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